Teachers' Conference
Teachers' Conference

LEAPS Teachers' Conference
Registration for this event has now closed.
If you are interested in attending, please call the LEAPS Team on 07774336265.
Date: Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Time: 9.00am - 2.00pm
Location: Queen Margaret University, Musselburgh, EH21 6UU
Who is this event for?
This event is for LEAPS Link Teachers and school guidance colleagues. (We are pleased to offer up to two places per school; 1 x LEAPS Link Teacher and 1 x Headteacher/SLT.)
We would really value a representative from each school LEAPS works with at the conference, so if you can't make it please share with a colleague who can. Thanks!
What is the focus of the event?
The focus of the LEAPS Teachers' Conference will be on how we can support LEAPS-eligible students who are considering Higher Education as a post-school option, and how we can support those of you who are supporting them!
The full programme can be seen below, but sessions will include information on university admissions as well as updates on LEAPS activities.
There will also be an opportunity to network over coffee and lunch.
LEAPS Teachers' Conference Programme
9:00 – 9:30 | Registration
9:30 – 9:45 | Welcome & LEAPS Updates
9:45 – 10:30 | Keynote Speaker - Ellie Rowley, Fair Access Programme Lead at UCAS
10:30 – 10:45 | Coffee Break
10:50 – 11:20 | LEAPS Schools Programme Workshop Updates / Senior Leadership Stakeholder Consultation
11:25 – 12:10 | First Workshop
12:15 – 13:00 | Second Workshop
13:00 – 14:00 | Lunch & Information Stands
Keynote | Ellie Rowley, Fair Access Programme Lead at UCAS
In 2030, UCAS forecasts up to a million undergraduate applicants. It’s likely that this growth will impact demand for all post-secondary education routes. This keynote will focus on lessons learnt from the latest UCAS cycle and the challenges and opportunities on the horizon in both the national and regional context. The session will also share the developments from the UCAS Fair Access Programme including new products, reforms in the application and personalised learner journeys.
LEAPS Schools Programme Workshop Updates
Group 1+/ 1 Schools
Join us to review and reflect on LEAPS’ S6 activity in Group 1 and 1+ schools, helping us to identify how best we can engage with your pupils whilst working collaboratively and in tandem with provision already in place within schools. We will talk through data and observations from the LEAPS team and call upon your insights and expertise as we look to enhance our support.
Group 2 Schools
Come along to hear more about the latest addition to the LEAPS schools programme, the teacher-led S4 ‘workshop in a box’, developed specially for delivery in Group 2 schools. We will share more on the concept and materials for these sessions and also provide the opportunity to register interest in piloting this in your school next academic year.
Senior Leadership Stakeholder Consultation
School Senior Leadership Team attendees are invited to a stakeholder consultation to help inform the future of the LEAPS programme.
We are offering a choice of workshops (details below).
You can choose one workshop from 11:25 – 12:10 and you can choose another workshop from 12:15 – 13:00.
Please select from the workshops when completing the registration form at the bottom of this web page. We will make every effort to place you in your preferred workshops.
1. The LEAPS Transitions Course
The LEAPS Transitions Course is an S6 timetable subject designed to give S6 LEAPS-eligible students the skills and experience needed to make a positive transition from school to university. As the course heads into its 5th year, come and hear more information about the course and how to offer it to your pupils.
2. Admissions Panel with a focus on UCAS References
Come along and hear from admissions tutors about how different universities use UCAS references. Find out how things look at their side and how the new structure is working for them. Take the chance to ask questions to refresh your reference writing skills and let's chat about getting that LEAPS tagline in the right box.
3. Working together to enhance transition for Young Carers, Care Experienced and Estranged students
In this workshop we will make the most of your input and expertise to consider how we together can enhance transition for young carers, care experienced and estranged students from school into college and university. Led by the Hub for Success and named contacts for these student groups at our partner universities and local colleges, you’ll consider aspects of transition such as evidence, learning support, finance, accommodation and mental health/wellbeing, taking a joined-up approach.
4. What University is Really Like
Hear from a panel of university teaching and support staff and current undergraduate students about what it is really like to be a student in 2024. There will be opportunities to ask questions on a range of topics including the transition from a school environment, preparing for success academically and socially, and more.
Information Stands
Over lunch we will have information stands with representatives from the following institutions and organisations for you to speak with;
Edinburgh Napier University, Heriot-Watt University, Queen Margaret University, SRUC, University of Edinburgh, University of Stirling, HUB for SUCCESS, Edinburgh Young Carers, and LEAPS of course!
Please check back for updates to this list.
Where is this event taking place?
The LEAPS Teachers' Conference is taking place at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.
You can find directions to the university, along with public transport options and advice, here.
If you would like to drive to the event, parking will be freely available at the university. (Please let us know your car registration via the form below so that we can arrange free university guest parking with Queen Margaret University.)
How do I book?
Registration for this event has now closed.
If you are interested in attending, please call the LEAPS Team on 07774336265.