Understanding Entry Requirements
Understanding Entry Requirements
Thinking about your subject choices for S6? This is a really good time to check that you are taking the right subjects to get you onto the courses you're interested in at college and/or university. There might be a subject at Higher or National 5 you need to pick up in S6 - find out this information now so you can keep your options open for what you might like to study after school! This is really important so you are not disappointed later on.
There are loads of ways you can find out entry requirements and required subjects for university and college courses! We recommend using the UCAS course search tool, and university and college websites.
In this post, we've got some top tips for what to consider when looking at university and college entry requirements. Click on the drop down headings below for advice!
If you have any questions after reading this post, please get in touch. You can complete our online course checker for LEAPS-eligible S5 pupils to receive individualised advice on your S6 subject choice!
Top tips for understanding entry requirements...