Subject-specific career and course exploration resources
Subject-specific career and course exploration resources
Here you’ll find FREE career exploration resources specific to particular subject areas and careers.
If your subject area isn’t listed here and you are struggling to find relevant online career exploration resources (see our general online resource list too), get in touch with us on and we’ll do our best to help!
Accounting and Finance
- Prospects UK have useful info on careers in accounting, banking and finance
Allied Health Professions
- Find out more about Allied Health Profession careers on the NHS Scotland website
- Step Into Health at Queen Margaret University is a project for LEAPS students interested in: Dietetics, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Paramedic Science, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Diagnostic Radiography, Therapeutic Radiography, and Speech & Language Therapy.
- Reach Edinburgh have created a bank of resources for students interested in studying Medicine. Many are relevant for those interested in the allied health professions too
- ‘The Struggle of Mental Health’ TED series
- For students interested in Paramedic Science, have a look at volunteering for St John's Ambulance Cadets; My World of Work job profile for ambulance paramedics; and The Scottish Ambulance Service resources about the job role and experiences of people using the service
- For students interested in Occupational Therapy: Careers NHS Scotland; the Royal College of Occupational Therapists; and World Federation of Occupational Therapists
- For students interested in Physiotherapy, Prospects job profile; the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy; and have a look at podcasts (PT Inquest, Physio Edge and The Physio Matters).
- Students can explore career prospects on the Prospects website
- Naked Archaeology podcast
- Current Archaeology magazine
- Council of British Archaeologists
- Follow ‘Stirling Archaeology’ on Facebook - they offer the chance to go on digs in the Stirling area
Architecture & Landscape Architecture
- ACES is for local school students interested in art & design based subjects. ACES have a resources page full of useful advice and links
- Royal Institute of British Architects
- Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland
- Architecture TED talks
- Prospects career profile for landscape architects
- Landscape Institute
- Three Edinburgh based landscape architecture firms: Urban Pioneers, Harrison Stevens and Rankin Fraser
Art & Design
- ACES is for local school students interested in art & design based subjects. ACES have a resources page full of useful advice and links
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has links to books and articles from the last 50 years (most are free!)
- Skillshare free courses led by artists
- FutureLearn and MOOC short online courses – lots of ‘Intro to…’ style courses
- Keep up-to-date with business news, across various platforms and publications
Communications & Media
- Prospects UK - what you can do with a degree in media studies
- My World of Work search results for print, publishing, marketing and advertising roles
- Practice coding with Code Academy (no need to pay for an account – go for the ‘Basic’ free version!), and programming with The Turtle System
- FutureLearn and MOOC short online courses – lots of ‘Intro to…’ style courses
- HE+ comptuing
- FutureLearn Introduction to Criminology course
- Oxford University Criminology Podcast series
- British Journal of Criminology
- Dentistry applicants need to demonstrate characteristics which are important for the dental professions in their application. Applicants should study the BDS Person Specification
- Future Learn – e.g. short online course called ‘Discover Dentistry’ by the University of Sheffield
- British Dental Association
- Dental Schools Council
- ‘The Economy of Trust’ podcast playlist covering Uber, Airbnb and more
- CORE Project open-access platform for economics
- Prospects - what you can do with an economics degree
- Prospects Economists job profile giving you an idea of what a career in economics looks like
- Learn about key focus areas for Scottish education with Education Scotland, including the National Improvement Framework.
- Develop your understanding of Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence, and find examples of specific initiatives and programmes to support learning.
- General Teaching Council for Scotland's Teaching Scotland magazine
- Nuffield research placements for S5 students interested in engineering and technology subjects
- engNRICH for developing mathematical skills with activities aimed at engineering applicants
- Tomorrow's Engineers info on careers in engineering
- STEM workshops created by universities and industry
- Engineering TED talks
- and iWantToStudyEngineering for engineering stories, webinars, games and resources
- Disciplines of engineering: aeronautical engineering; civil engineering; chemical engineering; mechanical engineering; structural engineering.
- The Poetry Archive recordings of poets reading their own work out loud
- Writers Inspire collection of literature-related podcasts, videos and essays
- Prospects for tips and insights into studying English and career paths
- Times Higher Education article on English Literature
- The Scottish Book Trust for opportunities to get involved in writing workshops, competitions, and writing communities
Environmental Studies
- 'Costing the Earth' BBC podcast series
- Prospects info on Graduate Environmental Jobs
- Example of an environmental action group: Surfers Against Sewage
Events Management & Hospitality
- My World of Work events manager job profile
- Prospects info on events management careers and courses
- Edinburgh has lots of festivals and events to get experience of working on events: Edinburgh Festival City, Edinburgh International Book Festival, Edinburgh International Children's Festival.
- Institute of Hospitality
- Institute of Travel and Tourism
- Tourism Society, including Scottish chapter
- Prospects info on career areas in the film industry and the media
- Edinburgh Film Festival volunteering
- Showcase your work with Youth Film Access Festival
- Set up an IntoFilm society in your school
Geography, Geology & Sustainable Development
- Royal Geographical Society Magazine and film archive. The RGS on why you might considering studying Geography.
- The Royal Scottish Geographical Society's The Geographer magazine
- The British Geological Survey for those interested in Geology
- Open Geography Education - free access to Geography and Geology eTextbooks
- Citizen Science and Zooniverse. What is your ecological footprint?
- Games4Sustainability
- Climate change podcasts
- Cambridge History ‘Virtual Classroom’ tips for working with historical sources, source exercises and sample lectures
- BBC ‘A History of the World’ uses objects to tell a history of the world, with linked radio programmes
- BBC You’re Dead to Me history podcast, with comedians and serious historians
- Historic Environment Scotland's online learning service Scran
- Prospects - what you can do with a history degree
- Stay up to date with news and current affairs.
- Build a portfolio of writing/presenting work including e.g. online articles, school newsletter, blogging
- International Journalists' Network
- National Council for the training of Journalists
- Broadcast Journalism Council
- Have a go at reading newspapers, watching TV shows or listening to radio programmes in your language of choice
- Transcript journal sharing books and literature from Europe and beyond, published in English, French and German translations
- Prospects - what you can do with a modern language(s) degree
- University of Cambridge links about modern and medieval languages
- United Nations and European Parliament resources for language students
- Reach Edinburgh is for local school students interested in Law, and has created a bank of resources.
- Radio 4’s legal magazine ‘Law in Action’
- EACH OTHER focuses on increasing public knowledge of and support for human rights
- Reach Edinburgh is for local school students interested in Medicine, and has created a bank of resources.
- Observe GP free interactive video platform providing insights into the role of a GP and the wider primary care team
- THE CURE’s medical reporters take you on a journey to the frontiers of world health
- ‘The Struggle of Mental Health’ TED series
- In2MedSchool is a widening participation initiative which supports students who are aiming to study Medicine via a mentoring scheme, events and webinars.
Medical Technology & Biomedical Science
- Future Learn courses on Medical Technology (can complete for free in 14 days)
- Some students have gained work experience from Charles River
Midwifery and Nursing
- Nursing and Midwifery Council
- Royal College of Midwives
- Edinburgh Napier University’s guide on selection and recruitment of Napier nursing/midwifery applicants, but helpful to all
- Careers NHS resources with videos from current midwives
- ‘The Struggle of Mental Health’ TED series
- Reach Edinburgh is for local school students interested in Medicine, and has created a bank of resources. Many are relevant for those interested in nursing and midwifery too.
Optometry, Opthalmics and Orthoptics
- Prospects on careers as an optometrist
- General Optical Council
- British and Irish Orthoptic Society
Oral Health Science
- Work experience in a dental practice/hospital
- Volunteer in a role that requires demonstration of care values
- The NHS Careers info for dental hygienists
- My World of Work job profile for dental therapists
- General Dental Council
- To become a pharmacist you need an MPharm Degree accredited by the General Pharmacy Council (GPhC) followed by a pre-registration year in hospital or community practice
- NHS Careers info on careers as a pharmacist
- Prospects resources and info for aspiring pharmacists
- My World of Work job profile and career outlook for a pharmacist
Performing Arts
- BBC Radio 3’s ‘Composer of the Week’ guide to composers and their music
- Frantic Assembly (Frantic Digital) resources and ‘create’ activities using creative / performance skills
- WACI (Widening Access to the Creative Industries) online resources for Dance, Drama, Filmmaking, Music and Production
- For Acting, get involved in local/school productions
- Watch films, see theatre, read plays – as much as possible! Many theatre productions are now on YouTube.
- In Our Time, Philosophy: From Altruism to Wittgenstein, philosophers, theories and key themes
- Harvard University's 'Justice', with academic Michael Sandel
- Cosmic Skeptic, from an Oxford University Philosophy student
Police Studies
- Police Scotland Recruitment for careers in policing
- My World of Work job profile for a police officer
- British Society of Criminology
Politics & International Relations
- The Week in Westminster: political commentators from major newspapers look at what’s been going on in Westminster politics each week
- Oxford University's Politics Blog OxPol
- EACH OTHER focuses on increasing public knowledge of and support for human rights
- Explore psychological disciplines and career options with the British Psychological Society
- British Psychological Society’s Blogs
- British Psychological Society News
- The Psychologist Magazine
Science & Maths
- Nuffield research placements for S5 students interested in science and maths subjects!
- ScienceFriday Radio for podcasts, videos, articles and education resources
- Oxford University's student led Oxford Scientist Magazine
- Biologists: Science and Plants for Schools; and Prospects for ideas on what you can do with a biology degree
- Chemists: A Future in Chemistry; and the Royal Society of Chemistry
- For Mathematicians: Numberphile; Underground Mathematics; +plus Magazine; and Maths Week at Work, hearing from Maths graduates about how they use Maths in their jobs.
- Physicists: NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration; and Isaac Physics
- Interested in biological, biomedical or animal sciences? The Science Insights work experience may be for you! Applications usually open in February
- Royal Zoological Society of Scotland's Science Summer School
Social Work
- Research the role of a social worker and the skills and values that are important in that role. Be able to demonstrate your commitment and motivation to study/work in social work in your personal statement
- Scottish Social Services Council for guidance on careers and education
- The Sociology Show podcast
- A History of Ideas explores some big questions about how we live today, introducing some foundational ideas in social science and philosophy
- AllSociology Instagram
Sound Engineering and Production (Music Technology)
- Plan It Plus job profile for sound technicians
- My World of Work job profile for TV or film sound technicans and studio sound engineers.
- Prospects info for potential Sound Engineers
- Careers in Sports for news, jobs and career advice for students looking for a career in sport
- British Association of Sport and Exercise Science
Surveying - Quantity
- My World of Work job profile of a quantity surveyor
- Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
Veterinary Medicine and Vet Nursing
- Reach Edinburgh is for local school students interested in Veterinary Medicine, and has created a bank of resources. Many are relevant for those hoping to work with animals and aspiring vet nurses too!
- My World of Work job profile for Vet Nursing
- British Veterinary Nursing Association